
主演: lukegoss tylerjohnston michaeleklund jeffreyballar




地区:其他 类别:惊悚 剧情 警匪


◎文件大小 1CD 50 x 15MB ◎片  长 100 Mins ◎导  演 Justin Donnelly ◎主  演 鲁克·高斯 Luke Goss ... Brian Tyler J...查看完整简介》

◎文件大小 1CD 50 x 15MB ◎片  长 100 Mins ◎导  演 Justin Donnelly ◎主  演 鲁克·高斯 Luke Goss ... Brian Tyler Johnston ... Jesse 迈克尔·艾克朗德 Michael Eklund ... Jimmy Jeffrey Ballard ... Sam Craig Stanghetta ... Joey 'The Boss' Andrew Hedge ... Officer Black Michelle Brezinski ... Lynn - Jesse's mom R. Cameron Gordon ... Chuck Erica Carroll ... Leanne Ethan Sawyer ... Brian's Son Destinee Dunkin-Klyne ... Tara (as Destinee Klyne) Chris Ippolito ... Gus Tanya Champoux ... Brian's Mom Justin Koren ... Young Brian Debbie Cameron ... Tow Yard Receptionist ◎简  介 当你被逼上绝路,你只能火力全开,大开杀戒!心狠手辣,激爆你的肾上腺素! 布莱恩是一家私募基金创投公司的业务总监,无端端被资遣后,还倒欠公司一屁股债,狗急跳墙之际,他希望透过一个毒品交易快速致富,以弥补他的财务黑洞;因此他决定孤注一掷,将他所剩不多的财产梭哈到这桩毒品买卖中,打算海捞一票,谁知半路却杀出程咬金,两个少年偷走他准备买卖毒品的钱,心狠手辣的毒枭更是紧追在后,当一个男人被逼上绝路,他只能选择火力全开! Two joyriders Jesse and Sam discover something hidden in the back seat of the car that could change their lives forever. Brian, unknown to Jesse and Sam, is desperately trying to seek a "quick fix" business deal that will put him back on top financially after being let 收起
