
主演: starring yvonne catterfeld anja kling

导演:franziska meyer price



地区:欧洲 类别:喜剧


After 3,000 years of endless work, the completely disillusioned angel Uriel arrives in Berlin sh......查看完整简介》

After 3,000 years of endless work, the completely disillusioned angel Uriel arrives in Berlin shortly before the chaotic Christmas season. His job? To again offer hope and encouragement to the unfortunate. His jaded view of life is changed when he suddenly runs into Laura, who despite being blind, works as a light sculpture artist. She is the first human being who is able to recognize and touch him. Attracted by this unusual woman, Uriel does everything in his power to restore the joy for life that she has lost. Completely occupied with his love for Laura, he quickly forgets his dutie 收起
